domingo, 12 de maio de 2019

Last day

Early morning swims are always fun, but with dolphins? Now that brings this trip to a whole other level. Today at 8:30 we went out on the boats to the Boto-Vermelho Preserve where we got to wade with pink dolphins before we left back to Manaus. I think I speak for everyone when I say that seeing these wild animals in their natural habitat- and having them come up to us willingly- was one of the highlights of the trip so far.
We arrived back to Manaus shortly after lunch where we ended our Amazonia adventure in the opera house. From the decor to the history, this outstanding building of wealth and regality truly lit the city square in beauty. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to cut the tour a few minutes short, but nonetheless it was fun and educational.
Before the airport, because we had a lot of time to spare, we went to the shopping center, where many people had the opportunity to see the new Avengers film and look around the stunning, jungle themed mall.
At 21:00, after the shopping closed we went went to the airport where we coincidentally met with another group of exchange students who were returing from the same trip. Despite the exhaustion of the day, seeing these other students, and saying goodbye to all of our friends, gave everyone enough energy to make the night.
The conclusion of the amazonia trip 1 for 2019 was a hard one, but I think others can agree with me when I say that this trip was a once in a lifetime experience that we will never forget.
Signed, the Canadian Americans.

domingo, 5 de maio de 2019

03/05 - Barco

We started the day with a lovely breakfast and enjoyed the different fruits of the beautiful Amazonas. Then we continued the day at the amazing village called: ´´Acajatuba´´. It was great to meet the local children and to spend time with them. Showing how great full we have been that they allowed us to visit them, all of us brought little gifts. After having lots of fun spending time with the kids, we ate a tasty lunch. Exhausted of the morning activities, we had some free time to rest. In the afternoon we were fighting our way through the nature to go fishing for piranhas. At nightfall our guide caught a caiman and we learned a lot about their natural habits. We took many pictures and had an unforgettable experience. We ended the night with good food and by now our best friends. We love the time here and don’t want it to end.

- Emilia and Nick from Germany.

02/05 - Barco

Hoje o dia 2 de maio, a gente acordou no barco as 7:15 no meio da floresta Amazonia. Depois, a gente pegou outros barcos menores para ir até a floresta para fazer o curso de sobrevivencia. Nos descobrimos como fazer um fogo, abrigos, armadilha e nos provamos as frutas locais. Depois disso, a gente comeu o lanche muito bom ! Porém, a gente foi para uma fazenda aonde o grupo viu como fazer uma tapioca e comemos açaÍ. De lá, nos fomos para a casa flutuante e alguns intercambistas fizeram kayak e os outros ficaram brincando dentro da aguá. Enfim, começou a chover então, a gente tinha que voltar logo para os barcos. Tudo mundo estava molhado e tomou banho de chuva, foi muito engraçado! E o dia terminou com o jantar que foi muito bom com a lasanha.


01/05 - Manaus

Hoje o dia 1 de maio a gente acordou no hotel tropical das 06:30 horas em Manaus; As 8 horas a gente saiu do hotel para pegar o barco que a gente vai para Amazona. Nos vamos ficar no barco por 4 dias, sem internet, e com muito pequeno de energia. Ate 11:00 nos ficamos no barco e dormimos. Depois disso, a gente foi comer almoço e comprar das presnetes de levar. O almoço foi otimo, a viagem tambem, vemos muitas animais. A gente jogou algum jogos para matar tempo e outra pessoa dormiu novamente. Depois quando nos chegamos o destino, que foi um tribo de Indios, la a gente veio um show tradicional deles e tambem a gente brincou com as crianças, foi fantastico. Tinha pessoas que compreram das coisas que eles fizeram. Depois disso, a gente se separou com dois barcos por que os meninos nao pode dormir e tomar banho com as meninas. Os meninos ficou no fundao de barco e veio das estrelas, foi fantastico tambem muito lindo! A gente jantou depois disso.

- Jay and Glenn are the best! And Perfect.